Close $500 – $997 Deals Just By Talking to People On Instagram!

…even if you have NEVER SOLD anything YET!

It was a dream to gift my mum an iPhone. However, I lost hope to achieve my current Goals and I thought I couldn’t gift her that this time. But I’m so glad I met you.

From nothing to ₹1,65,000 in 12 days is an absolutely crazy thing for me!  I’m glad I enrolled into your program. Thank you so much Viplav.

Khushi - @digitalkhushi_

Dragon Sales Chat System

Make people super-interested to buy your product/ service with the power of Chat Persuasion.

Secrets to $997 Clients

Learn my secrets to close $500 – $997 clients without having to look like a pushy salesman!

“…but they don’t want to invest”

Hear this from your clients?


Attract the Right Clients

  • Learn to Close High-Ticket Sales with clients Instantly!
  • Learn to Press the right Nerve at the Right Time.
  • Master Sales using the Natural Human Psychology.

I made 11 High Ticket Sales When I Had 1500 followers!

11 Sales at 1500 Followers

Sold my 1-1 high ticket coaching to 11 people when I had just 1500 followers using Dragon Scripts!

Consistent $500 Sales

Consistent weekly sales to my high ticket program coaching program worth $500!

Charging $2000 Per Client

I Charge $2000 from my western clients for Marketing Services with this selling system!


Old Way


Difficult to Charge High Prices.


People do not want to Invest.


Talk to 20 people to GET 1 SALE!


They keep you on 'SEEN' after you tell them the price.

Dragon System


Sell High Ticket like a Beast


People will ask you to quickly TAKE THEIR MONEY.


Convert 8/10 people you talk to & save your precious time.


Sure-shot way to make them pay INSTANTLY!



Or 2 Times Payment of ₹3,499

More Success Stories

I was not able to find clients and my freelancing system was broken. But after I came to Viplav’s coaching, everything has changed. I went from 0 to 1.4 lakhs in less than 30 days!

Rajdeep P.

Viplav’s mentorship has helped me in a lot of ways. Not only I have learned so many of skills, but I have also built an Instagram sales system where I make money from it passively!



Let me help you decide if this is something you need. I won’t try to sell you on call but will help you make the right decision.